Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Focus Challenge for Christians

Greetings everyone, I want to talk through one of the hot topics for me this week.  I’ve been thinking quite a lot about how Christians and churches in America have missed the mark for a very long time and how we need to refocus.  As a disclaimer...I always hit myself with a few stones before throwing them at others.  As a guy that lives in the “bible belt” and passes ten church buildings every time I drive my kids to the ballpark, I’m consumed with the idea that we try to sell people on treasure hunts, water balloon fights and magic shows.  If you read scripture and believe what it says, the power of God does not rest within our cool ideas; it rests in His word and spirit.  I’ve had a few conversations this week about this topic and it leaves me asking, “where is our focus.”  Is our focus on creating a social club, country club or fun zone for kids, or is our focus on Jesus?  I must say that I have a very strong Small Group and pastor at Brookhills and I came home Sunday very encouraged only to open Facebook on my phone and be discouraged by “church” comments.  One of my personal challenges for my blog is to not go negative, so I don’t want to bash anyone but I do want to say that the enemy of great is good.  It is very easy to focus on the good stuff and completely miss the great stuff.  Every comment that discouraged me was a well meaning and happy post, but I was discouraged by the focus of the comment (not Jesus, but church activity).  So, the question I have to ask myself every day is “where is my focus?” and the question I would present to you is “where is your focus?”

Thanks to those in my life that challenge me and keep my focus going in the right direction.

1 comment:

  1. I could rail on for days about this but for the sake of time and space I will merely say that I wholeheartedly agree. Congregations heap program upon program all in the spirit of "outreach" yet many times the activity receives more attention than the Savior. So while a 15,000 easter egg drop from a helicopter is fun, how exactly can you transition from,"Did you find the golden egg?" to "Are you going to spend eternity in Heaven or hell?"
